The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: cyclic-guanylate-specific phosphodiesterase
Reaction: cyclic di-3′,5′-guanylate + H2O = 5′-phosphoguanylyl(3′→5′)guanosine
For diagram of cyclic di-3′,5′-guanylate biosynthesis and breakdown, click here
Glossary: c-di-GMP = c-di-guanylate = cyclic di-3′,5′-guanylate = cyclic-bis(3′→5′) dimeric GMP
Other name(s): cyclic bis(3′→5′)diguanylate phosphodiesterase; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase; phosphodiesterase (misleading); phosphodiesterase A1; PDEA1; VieA
Systematic name: cyclic bis(3′→5′)diguanylate 3′-guanylylhydrolase
Comments: Requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ for activity and is inhibited by Ca2+ and Zn2+. Contains a heme unit. This enzyme linearizes cyclic di-3′,5′-guanylate, the product of EC, diguanylate cyclase and an allosteric activator of EC, cellulose synthase (UDP-forming), rendering it inactive [1]. It is the balance between these two enzymes that determines the cellular level of c-di-GMP [1].
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 338732-46-0
1.  Chang, A.L., Tuckerman, J.R., Gonzalez, G., Mayer, R., Weinhouse, H., Volman, G., Amikam, D., Benziman, M. and Gilles-Gonzalez, M.A. Phosphodiesterase A1, a regulator of cellulose synthesis in Acetobacter xylinum, is a heme-based sensor. Biochemistry 40 (2001) 3420–3426. [DOI] [PMID: 11297407]
2.  Christen, M., Christen, B., Folcher, M., Schauerte, A. and Jenal, U. Identification and characterization of a cyclic di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase and its allosteric control by GTP. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 30829–30837. [DOI] [PMID: 15994307]
3.  Schmidt, A.J., Ryjenkov, D.A. and Gomelsky, M. The ubiquitous protein domain EAL is a cyclic diguanylate-specific phosphodiesterase: enzymatically active and inactive EAL domains. J. Bacteriol. 187 (2005) 4774–4781. [DOI] [PMID: 15995192]
4.  Tamayo, R., Tischler, A.D. and Camilli, A. The EAL domain protein VieA is a cyclic diguanylate phosphodiesterase. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 33324–33330. [DOI] [PMID: 16081414]
[EC created 2008]

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