The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: 2′,3′-cyclic-nucleotide 2′-phosphodiesterase
Reaction: nucleoside 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate + H2O = nucleoside 3′-phosphate
Other name(s): ribonucleoside 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate diesterase; 2′,3 '-cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase; 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotidase; cyclic 2′,3′-nucleotide 2′-phosphodiesterase; cyclic 2′,3′-nucleotide phosphodiesterase; 2′,3′-cyclic nucleoside monophosphate phosphodiesterase; 2′,3′-cyclic AMP 2′-phosphohydrolase; cyclic phosphodiesterase:3′-nucleotidase; 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide phosphohydrolase; 2′:3′-cyclic phosphodiesterase; 2′:3′-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase:3′-nucleotidase
Systematic name: nucleoside-2′,3′-cyclic-phosphate 3′-nucleotidohydrolase
Comments: Also hydrolyses 3′-nucleoside monophosphates and bis-4-nitrophenyl phosphate, but not 3′-deoxynucleotides. Similar reactions are carried out by EC (ribonuclease T1) and EC (pancreatic ribonuclease).
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 9037-18-7
1.  Anraku, Y. A new cyclic phosphodiesterase having a 3′-nucleotidase activity from Escherichia coli B. I. Purification and some properties of the enzyme. J. Biol. Chem. 239 (1964) 3412–3419. [PMID: 14245396]
2.  Anraku, Y. A new cyclic phosphodiesterase having a 3′-nucleotidase activity from Escherichia coli B. II. Further studies on substrate specificity and mode of action of the enzyme. J. Biol. Chem. 239 (1964) 3420–3424. [PMID: 14245397]
3.  Center, M.S. and Behal, F.J. A cyclic phosphodiesterase with 3′-nucleotidase activity from Proteus mirabilis. J. Biol. Chem. 243 (1968) 138–143. [PMID: 4295113]
4.  Olafson, R.W., Drummond, G.I. and Lee, J.F. Studies on 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide-3′-phosphohydrolase from brain. Can. J. Biochem. 47 (1969) 961–966. [PMID: 4310670]
5.  Unemoto, T. and Hayashi, M. Chloride ion as a modifier of 2′,3′-cyclic phosphodiesterase purified from halophilic Vibrio alginolyticus. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 171 (1969) 89–102. [DOI] [PMID: 4303200]
[EC created 1972, modified 1976]

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