The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: pantoate kinase
Reaction: ATP + (R)-pantoate = ADP + (R)-4-phosphopantoate
Other name(s): PoK; TK2141 protein
Systematic name: ATP:(R)-pantoate 4-phosphotransferase
Comments: The conversion of (R)-pantoate to (R)-4′-phosphopantothenate is part of the pathway leading to biosynthesis of 4′-phosphopantetheine, an essential cofactor of coenzyme A and acyl-carrier protein. In bacteria and eukaryotes this conversion is performed by condensation with β-alanine, followed by phosphorylation (EC and EC, respectively). In archaea the order of these two steps is reversed, and phosphorylation precedes condensation with β-alanine.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Yokooji, Y., Tomita, H., Atomi, H. and Imanaka, T. Pantoate kinase and phosphopantothenate synthetase, two novel enzymes necessary for CoA biosynthesis in the Archaea. J. Biol. Chem. 284 (2009) 28137–28145. [DOI] [PMID: 19666462]
[EC created 2011]

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