The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: protein-histidine N-methyltransferase
Reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + protein L-histidine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + protein Nτ-methyl-L-histidine
Other name(s): protein methylase IV; protein (histidine) methyltransferase; actin-specific histidine methyltransferase; S-adenosyl methionine:protein-histidine N-methyltransferase
Systematic name: S-adenosyl-L-methionine:protein-L-histidine N-tele-methyltransferase
Comments: Highly specific for histidine residues, for example, in actin.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 108022-17-9
1.  Vijayasarathy, C. and Narasinga Rao, B.S. Partial purification and characterisation of S-adenosylmethionine:protein-histidine N-methyltransferase from rabbit skeletal muscle. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 923 (1987) 156–165. [DOI] [PMID: 3801515]
[EC created 1989]

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