The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: tRNA (adenine58-N1)-methyltransferase
Reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + adenine58 in tRNA = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + N1-methyladenine58 in tRNA
Other name(s): tRNA m1A58 methyltransferase; tRNA (m1A58) methyltransferase; TrmI; tRNA (m1A58) Mtase; Rv2118cp; Gcd10p-Gcd14p; Trm61p-Trm6p
Systematic name: S-adenosyl-L-methionine:tRNA (adenine58-N1)-methyltransferase
Comments: The enzyme specifically methylates adenine58 in tRNA. The methylation of A58 is critical for maintaining the stability of initiator tRNAMet in yeast [3].
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Droogmans, L., Roovers, M., Bujnicki, J.M., Tricot, C., Hartsch, T., Stalon, V. and Grosjean, H. Cloning and characterization of tRNA (m1A58) methyltransferase (TrmI) from Thermus thermophilus HB27, a protein required for cell growth at extreme temperatures. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (2003) 2148–2156. [PMID: 12682365]
2.  Varshney, U., Ramesh, V., Madabushi, A., Gaur, R., Subramanya, H.S. and RajBhandary, U.L. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2118c codes for a single-component homotetrameric m1A58 tRNA methyltransferase. Nucleic Acids Res. 32 (2004) 1018–1027. [DOI] [PMID: 14960715]
3.  Anderson, J., Phan, L. and Hinnebusch, A.G. The Gcd10p/Gcd14p complex is the essential two-subunit tRNA(1-methyladenosine) methyltransferase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97 (2000) 5173–5178. [DOI] [PMID: 10779558]
[EC created 2011 (EC created 1972, part transferred 2011 to EC]

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