The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: heme ligase
Reaction: 2 ferriprotoporphyrin IX = β-hematin
Other name(s): heme detoxification protein; HDP; hemozoin synthase
Systematic name: Fe3+:ferriprotoporphyrin IX ligase (β-hematin-forming)
Comments: This heme detoxifying enzyme is found in Plasmodium parasites and converts toxic heme to crystalline hemozoin. These organisms lack the mammalian heme oxygenase for elimination of heme.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc
1.  Jani, D., Nagarkatti, R., Beatty, W., Angel, R., Slebodnick, C., Andersen, J., Kumar, S. and Rathore, D. HDP-a novel heme detoxification protein from the malaria parasite. PLoS Pathog. 4 (2008) e1000053. [DOI] [PMID: 18437218]
[EC created 2009]

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