The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: sulfinoalanine decarboxylase
Reaction: 3-sulfino-L-alanine = hypotaurine + CO2
For diagram of taurine biosynthesis, click here
Other name(s): cysteine-sulfinate decarboxylase; L-cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase; cysteine-sulfinate decarboxylase; CADCase/CSADCase; CSAD; cysteic decarboxylase; cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase; cysteinesulfinate decarboxylase; sulfoalanine decarboxylase; 3-sulfino-L-alanine carboxy-lyase
Systematic name: 3-sulfino-L-alanine carboxy-lyase (hypotaurine-forming)
Comments: A pyridoxal-phosphate protein. Also acts on L-cysteate. The 1992 edition of the Enzyme List erroneously gave the name sulfoalanine decarboxylase to this enzyme.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 62213-10-9
1.  Guion-Rain, M.C., Portemer, C. and Chatagner, F. Rat liver cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase: purification, new appraisal of the molecular weight and determination of catalytic properties. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 384 (1975) 265–276. [DOI] [PMID: 236774]
2.  Jacobsen, J.G., Thomas, L.L. and Smith, L.H., Jr. Properties and distribution of mammalian L-cysteine sulfinate carboxy-lyases. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 85 (1964) 103–116. [PMID: 14159288]
[EC created 1961, deleted 1972, reinstated 1976, modified 1983, modified 1999]

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