The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: proprotein convertase 1
Reaction: Release of protein hormones, neuropeptides and renin from their precursors, generally by hydrolysis of -Lys-Arg┼ bonds
Other name(s): prohormone convertase 3; neuroendocrine convertase 1; PC1
Comments: A Ca2+-dependent enzyme, maximally active at about pH 5.5. Substrates include pro-opiomelanocortin, prorenin, proenkephalin, prodynorphin, prosomatostatin and proinsulin. Unlike prohormone convertase 2, does not hydrolyse proluteinizing-hormone-releasing-hormone. Unusually, processing of prodynorphin occurs at a bond in which P2 is Thr. Present in the regulated secretory pathway of neuroendocrine cells, commonly acting co-operatively with prohormone convertase 2. In peptidase family S8 (subtilisin family)
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, Gene, KEGG, MetaCyc, MEROPS, PDB, CAS registry number: 99676-46-7
1.  Seidah, N.G., Gaspar, L., Mion, P., Marcinkiewicz, M., Mbikay, M. and Chrétien, M. cDNA sequence of two distinct pituitary proteins homologous to Kex2 and furin gene products: tissue-specific mRNAs encoding candidates for pro-hormone processing proteinases. DNA Cell Biol. 9 (1990) 415–424. [DOI] [PMID: 2169760]
2.  Smeekens, S.P., Avruch, A.S., LaMendola, J., Chan, S.J. and Steiner, D.F. Identification of a cDNA encoding a second putative prohormone convertase related to PC2 in AtT20 cells and islets of Langerhans. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) 340–344. [DOI] [PMID: 1988934]
3.  Steiner, D.F., Smeekens, S.P., Ohagi, S. and Chan, S.J. The new enzymology of precursor processing endoproteases. J. Biol. Chem. 267 (1992) 23435–23438. [PMID: 1429684]
4.  Seidah, N.G. and Chrétien, M. Pro-protein convertases of the subtilisin/kexin family. Methods Enzymol. 244 (1994) 175–188. [DOI] [PMID: 7845206]
5.  Jean, F., Basak, A., Dimaio, J., Seidah, N.G. and Lazure, C. An internally quenched fluorogenic substrate of prohormone convertase 1 and furin leads to a potent prohormone convertase inhibitor. Biochem. J. 307 (1995) 689–695. [PMID: 7741698]
[EC created 1996]

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