The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: acyl-phosphate—hexose phosphotransferase
Reaction: acyl phosphate + D-hexose = a carboxylate + D-hexose phosphate
Other name(s): hexose phosphate:hexose phosphotransferase
Systematic name: acyl-phosphate:D-hexose phosphotransferase
Comments: Phosphorylates D-glucose and D-mannose on O-6, and D-fructose on O-1 or O-6.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number: 37278-06-1
1.  Anderson, R.L. and Kamel, M.Y. Acyl phosphate:hexose phosphotransferase (hexose phosphate:hexose phosphotransferase). Methods Enzymol. 9 (1966) 392–396.
2.  Kamel, M.Y. and Anderson, R.L. Acyl phosphate: hexose phosphotransferase. Purification and properties of the enzyme from Aerobacter aerogenes and evidence for its common identity with hexose phosphate: hexose phosphotransferase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 120 (1967) 322–331. [DOI] [PMID: 6033450]
3.  Casazza, J.P. and Fromm, H.J. Purification and initial rate kinetics of acyl-phosphate-hexose phosphotransferase from Aerobacter aerogenes. Biochemistry 16 (1977) 3091–3097. [PMID: 196625]
[EC created 1972, modified 2011]

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