The Enzyme Database

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Accepted name: tetracycline 11a-monooxygenase
Reaction: tetracycline + NADPH + H+ + O2 = 11a-hydroxytetracycline + NADP+ + H2O
For diagram of tetracycline biosynthesis, click here
Other name(s): tetX (gene name)
Systematic name: tetracycline,NADPH:oxygen oxidoreductase (11a-hydroxylating)
Comments: A flavoprotein (FAD). This bacterial enzyme confers resistance to all clinically relevant tetracyclines when expressed under aerobic conditions. The hydroxylated products are very unstable and lead to intramolecular cyclization and non-enzymic breakdown to undefined products.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB
1.  Yang, W., Moore, I.F., Koteva, K.P., Bareich, D.C., Hughes, D.W. and Wright, G.D. TetX is a flavin-dependent monooxygenase conferring resistance to tetracycline antibiotics. J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 52346–52352. [DOI] [PMID: 15452119]
2.  Moore, I.F., Hughes, D.W. and Wright, G.D. Tigecycline is modified by the flavin-dependent monooxygenase TetX. Biochemistry 44 (2005) 11829–11835. [DOI] [PMID: 16128584]
3.  Volkers, G., Palm, G.J., Weiss, M.S., Wright, G.D. and Hinrichs, W. Structural basis for a new tetracycline resistance mechanism relying on the TetX monooxygenase. FEBS Lett. 585 (2011) 1061–1066. [DOI] [PMID: 21402075]
[EC created 2016]

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