The Enzyme Database

Table of Contents

The enzymes in this section of the database are organized as you would find them in the Enzyme-Nomenclature book. Click [+] to expand, and [–] to collapse, any section. Clicking on a heading will open a popup window with information on that class, subclass or sub-subclass.

For a fully expanded list of the classes, subclasses and sub-subclasses, click here

[+subclass]. [+sub-subclass]. [+serial]

EC 1 [+]   
EC 2 [+]   
EC 3 [+]   
EC 4 [+]   
EC 5 [+]   
EC 6 []   
    EC 6.1  [+]      
    EC 6.2  []      
        EC 6.2.1       []    Acid-thiol ligases 
                EC                      acetate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      medium-chain acyl-CoA ligase 
                EC                      long-chain-fatty-acid—CoA ligase 
                EC                      succinate—CoA ligase (GDP-forming) 
                EC                      succinate—CoA ligase (ADP-forming) 
                EC                      glutarate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      cholate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      oxalate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      malate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      carboxylic acid—CoA ligase (GDP-forming) 
                EC                      biotin—CoA ligase 
                EC                      4-coumarate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      acetate—CoA ligase (ADP-forming) 
                EC                      6-carboxyhexanoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      arachidonate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      acetoacetate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      propionate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      citrate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      long-chain-fatty-acid—protein ligase 
                EC                      long-chain-fatty-acid—[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase 
                EC                       phenylacetate—CoA ligase. Activity covered by EC, phenylacetate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      [citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase 
                EC                      dicarboxylate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      phytanate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      benzoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      o-succinylbenzoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      4-hydroxybenzoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      3α,7α-dihydroxy-5β-cholestanate—CoA ligase 
                EC                       3α,7α,12α-trihydroxy-5β-cholestanate—CoA ligase. The enzyme is identical to EC, cholate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      phenylacetate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      2-furoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      anthranilate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      4-chlorobenzoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      trans-feruloyl-CoA synthase 
                EC                      acetate—[acyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA synthase 
                EC                      3-hydroxybenzoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      (2,2,3-trimethyl-5-oxocyclopent-3-enyl)acetyl-CoA synthase 
                EC                      [butirosin acyl-carrier protein]—L-glutamate ligase 
                EC                      4-hydroxybutyrate—CoA ligase (AMP-forming) 
                EC                      3-[(3aS,4S,7aS)-7a-methyl-1,5-dioxo-octahydro-1H-inden-4-yl]propanoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      3-oxocholest-4-en-26-oate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-5-methyl-1-naphthoate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      3-(methylthio)propionyl—CoA ligase 
                EC                      E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme 
                EC                      L-allo-isoleucine—holo-[CmaA peptidyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      medium-chain-fatty-acid—[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase 
                EC                      carnitine—CoA ligase 
                EC                      long-chain fatty acid adenylyltransferase FadD28 
                EC                      4-hydroxybenzoate adenylyltransferase FadD22 
                EC                      4-hydroxyphenylalkanoate adenylyltransferase FadD29 
                EC                      L-firefly luciferin—CoA ligase 
                EC                      L-proline—[L-prolyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      D-alanine—[D-alanyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      E1 SAMP-activating enzyme 
                EC                      4-hydroxybutyrate—CoA ligase (ADP-forming) 
                EC                      long-chain fatty acid adenylase/transferase FadD23 
                EC                      isophthalate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      long-chain fatty acid adenylase/transferase FadD26 
                EC                      marinolic acid—CoA ligase 
                EC                      salicylate—[aryl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      3,4-dihydroxybenzoate—[aryl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-arginine—[L-arginyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      E1 NEDD8-activating enzyme 
                EC                      salicylate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      glyine—[glycyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-alanine—[L-alanyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-glutamate—[L-glutamyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-cysteine—[L-cysteinyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-threonine—[L-threonyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      2,3-dihydroxybenzoate—[aryl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-serine—[L-seryl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      L-tryptophan—[L-tryptophyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoate—[acyl-carrier protein] ligase 
                EC                      indoleacetate—CoA ligase 
                EC                      malonate—CoA ligase 
        EC 6.2.2       [+]    Amide—thiol ligases 
    EC 6.3  [+]      
    EC 6.4  [+]      
    EC 6.5  [+]      
    EC 6.6  [+]      
    EC 6.7  [+]      
EC 7 [+]   

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